CITL Student 

Quick Takes series

Episode 1: GenAI in Courses & Careers

I'm excited to launch the CITL Student Quick Takes series, where I'll chat with fellow Illinois students about our learning journeys, course experiences, and career goals! Special thanks to Robert Baird, Senior Associate Director at CITL, for this opportunity and CITL’s support of student voices. 

In our first episode, we dive into the impact of GenAI in classes and career paths with two amazing guests: Arted Gjata (Integrative Biology) and Foziea Garada (Computer Science). Watch for shoutouts to GenAI projects in courses like Chem 332, CS 341 with Prof. Lawrence Angrave, and IE 421 with Prof. David Lariviere.

Episode 2: GenAI in Courses & Careers

Coming soon!

Episode 3: GenAI in Courses & Careers

Coming soon!

Episode 4: 

Coming soon!

Episode 5

Coming soon!
