
"Our non-profit asked for help in one of the meetings of a board made up of community groups and school administrators, and Dulf proactively initiated meetings with me, then he organized students to strategize and take steps to assist us. I was most impressed by how Dulf followed through on his commitments. Within a couple of months, there were measurable accomplishments! Dulf is a leader who cares about the community, is able to achieve results, and is a kind and personable individual."

- Donna Adam, Executive Director of Clean Up Give Back

Colegio de Ave Maria


Salt & Light in Urbana

In addition to coordinating volunteering events during my tenure as a fellow at the University of Illinois' Office of Civic Life, I leveraged my affiliation with Salt & Light to establish community service initiatives for Research Park and the Ameren Innovation Center, where I interned in the summer of 2023. Our activities consisted of maintenance work, organization of donated items, and assistance with store operations.

Clean Up - Give Back

I collaborated with Donna Adam, President of Clean Up Give Back, to establish and promote a culture of cleanliness and environmental consciousness in the Chicagoland area since 2020. In our collaboration, I showcased my leadership by organizing students and implementing successful initiatives, including a cleanup chapter within the school's Environmental Club. Donna commended my ability to deliver tangible results, highlighting my commitment to community service. I am grateful for her support and her drive for the initiative, and I am eager to contribute my passion for community well-being and leadership to even more environmental initiatives in the future.

Des Plaines Public Library

Since arriving in Des Plaines in 2013, I have actively utilized the services provided by the Des Plaines Public Library. With its welcoming staff and a plethora of resources geared towards community development, research, and academic pursuits, the library became an integral part of my life. Throughout my junior and senior years of high school, my engagement with their resources deepened, leading me to organize various events, such as crafting dog toys from fleece, rallying students for their youth advisory board, and fostering stronger connections between the library and the English National Honors Society at Maine West High School.

Center of Concern

After volunteering at the Center of Concern's relief packaging event through the Maine West High School Key Club, I began actively collaborating with the organization as part of my involvement with the Department of Community Development. Within this role, I initiated events focused on crafting and decorating cards for the elderly in nursing homes, engaged in community service tasks, and facilitated connections for students to explore potential employment and internship opportunities at local facilities.

Baptist Ministries

I have been a Baptist for a long time, and spirituality remains the cornerstone of my life. Whether reflecting on my experiences in the Philippines, engaging in mission trips, participating in special numbers, collaborating with community partnerships and ministries, or time with family, my commitment to this identity and life feels more like a calling rather than a mere obligation or community service.

City of Des Plaines

I engaged with the City of Des Plaines after connecting with the Des Plaines Police Chief through SPEAK Des Plaines, a local organization committed to fostering community and collaboration. Subsequently, I collaborated with the Mayor, Police Chief, and various Des Plaines organizations, forging enduring connections to enhance the community and empower my peers, the youth, by providing them with a voice and insights into local politics, community organization, and government relations.

Self-Help Closet & Pantry of Des Plaines

My primary work at the Des Plaines Food Pantry focused on mobilizing students not only to volunteer at the pantry, utilizing it as a valuable avenue for accumulating service hours but also to raise awareness about the pantry's mission and impact. This involved immersing myself in the pantry environment, establishing connections with facility directors, promoting their services and available opportunities, and streamlining the volunteering sign-up processes and applications.

Feed My Starving Children

As the co-founder of the Maine West Student Ministry, a faith-based club, I leveraged my community organization skills to integrate community service into our bonding activities and fellowship beyond regular hours. Notably, I organized a volunteering session at Feed My Starving Children, where our members engaged in the unique experience of hand-packing nutritious meals. These meals are subsequently shipped to partners globally, making a direct impact on hundreds of children in just two-hour packing shifts.

HANA Center and Hanul Family Alliance

Utilizing my networks at the University of Chicago, I gained access to a diverse range of Chicagoland organizations primarily focused on serving Asian communities. Following my commitment to two of these organizations, HANA Center and Hanul Family Alliance, I collaborated to mobilize volunteers and students in support of their missions. This involvement extended to fostering a connection between these organizations and the Maine West Asian Club, initiating community initiatives, and establishing a youth advisory board across several school districts in the Chicagoland area.
